Gold from Water

Gold from Water refers to various scams concerning gold, be it on the stock market, prospecting or potentially mining it. Image taken on 11 August at Dalebrook, Kalkbay South Africa. The tides in workhours today: Low: 10h16 High 16h28 Gold – Electronic (COMEX) day high: $1315 Day Low: $1307  The Occupy Movement: According to AdBusters, the #OccupyWallStreet protesters wanted Barack Obama to set up a Presidential Commission that would help to make policies where corporations have less influence over politicians

Glint of Gold - Robert Hamblin

Glint of Gold – Robert Hamblin

Two worlds today. Shooting gold in the water at Kalkbay South Africa. Tides in the working day: Low tide 09h34 High tide 15h45. On the stock market, Platinum mine Lonmin Plc, day’s high and low: 226.80230.80. 

Coinstack Sunrise  – The Colony (Exhibit UJ Gallery Oct 2014)

Low tide 07:54 (0,3m) High tide 14:05 (1,5m)
Gold: 121.21 121.47, Lonmin: 239.20 – 244.40, Google: 557.90 563.60

Diamond Dance – The Colony (Exhibit UJ Gallery Oct 2014)

Tides: High tide 08h02 (1,2m) Low tide 14h12 (0.7m)
Stocks Day’s range:
Lonmin: 241.30 – 253.20
Gold: 120.15 – 119.75
Google: 545.30 – 546.95

Bubble Bubble Capital pool of trouble... – The Colony (Exhibit UJ Gallery Oct 2014)

I have been making assumptions about nature vs the money market so as of today I include the height of the tides. Let me see where that takes me.Title: Bubble Bubble Capital pool of trouble.. 28 May 2014 Dalebrook Pool Cape Town South Africa
Low tide 09:04
High tide 15:13
Stocks: Lonmin: Day’s range: 256.10 – 261.60 Google: 554.35 -566.00

Gold Ridge Horisons – The Colony (Exhibit UJ Gallery Oct 2014)

Title: Gold Ridge Horisons. 26 May 2014 Dalebrook Pool Cape Town South Africa High tide 11:08 Low tide 17:48 Stocks: Lonmin: Day’s range: 247.60 – 262.70 Google: 543.70 – 553.64

Diamonds and the Rough – The Colony (Exhibit UJ Gallery Oct 2014)

Title: Diamonds and the Rough Wednesday 21 May 2014 St James Pool St James

Apparently Eartha Kitt said: “I am a dirt person. I trust the dirt. I do not trust gold and diamonds.”
Rockwell Diamond Stocks, 52 week range: 0.16 – 0.56
High tide 05:57
Low tide 12:09
High tide 18:10

Gold Net-Net* – The Colony (Exhibit UJ Gallery Oct 2014)

Google Day High and Low: 517.58, 529.78 Tides: High tide 05:24 Low tide 11:33 High tide 17:35 Net-Net in financial terms means the capital worth of a company when you have deducted all it’s liabilities from it’s assets.

Gold Churning* - The Colony (Exhibit UJ Gallery Oct 2014)

Gold day’s high and lows: 124.29 124.77 Tides: Low tide 11:02 High tide 17:03 *Stock Churning is a term to describe an illegal practice where a broker would buy and sell stocks excessively when he has control of a client’s account. His objective would be to generate a lot of commissions as opposed to making good investments for his client. (I am sure the she’s get up to as much fiscal mischief)

Silver and Purpur - The Colony (Exhibit UJ Gallery Oct 2014)

Title: Silver and Purpur. Silver stocks on Friday 2 May 2014 Day Hi and Low: 10.20 – 10.40 High tide 06:45 Low tide 12:56. I do not manipulate these images at all. This was taken this morning against the sun and so it causes these reflections and colours. For a while I thought the purple reflections was some digital mistake but today I really stared at the sparkles and I saw it with the naked eye. This is the amazing thing about shooting the water, looking for new things. I have to apply the knowledge that my mentor Nel Erasmus taught me. She is an abstract artist and refuses to acknowledge the content of my work if it does not abide by her “laws” of the abstract…. even when it is the most simple image on white. So I have had to learn to really look hard, see everything that is there. Many autistic people do not have that choice. They see everything and the world becomes a bit of an onslaught on their senses. I feel a bit like that when I start working. It takes me about an hour every time I go to the water, sometimes longer. It also feels meditative. On the way home I am completely relaxed.